My Fav Youtubers
January 15, 2016
Youtube videos are the thing that takes up most of my time. If I have free time you will usually find me watching youtube videos. Being a youtuber myself I am very picking with who I watch and the content they put out. So I decided to share some of my fav youtubers with you all. Pre warning they are all beauty channels.
Tess Christine!
Tess's channel for me is more of a fashion channel. Her outifts are on point and so put together. She gives me a lot of inspiration for my wardrobe choices. Her get the look for less videos are my favourite! They are super helpful. In these videos she shows you how to get the look of some of your fav celebrity looks for much cheeper.
Siena Mirabella
Siena has always been an inspiration for me. She is the same age as me (17) as such a bright future ahead of her. I love her channel because of how real she is. She is hilarious and so cute. She is all kind of goals for me. She loves reading and always has good book advice.
Maddi Bragg
Maddi is a lot like Siena. She is a 17 year old as well and has amazing content on her channel. She has killer eyebrow and winged eye tutorial. Maddi's channel is great because it has a good balance of makeup and fashion videos but she also gives advice and does a lot of tags.
Cartia Mallan
Cartia is a more of a recent discovery for myself. I love watching her vlogs as she travels a lot and by a lot I mean A LOT. She has makeup and fashion videos but her channel mostly consists of vlogs. She is beautiful and gives some amazing advice for teenagers. I hope to travel as much as her one day.
Anna Akana
Unlike the others Anna's channel is not a beauty one. Her channel consists of hilarious videos filled with advice. Anna has videos that are inspirational. She talks about her own experiences and how insane she is. She gives such great advice and a opinion of her own. Did I mention she is hilarious?